
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Life Insurance Comparisons! Pros & Neg Of Whole Life Insurance

Positives And Negatives Of Whole Life Insurance


Life insurance provides a safety net in case of disasters. These can include accidents as well as death. Any discussion of whole life insurance is incomplete without a discussion about the alternative, term life insurance. The purpose of both the insurances is the same, that is to provide help in a crisis situation but we will see very vast differences when we consider the two in more detail.

Pros of whole life insurance

One of the definite advantages of whole life insurance is that it is a permanent plan. And this means that there will be a definite pay out when the plan ends (usually when a person dies). This means that there will be monthly installments that you will be paying all throughout your life and these will continue to accumulate along with the interest on them. The nature of whole life insurance ensures that there is a large amount of money that can be accumulated which would not be possible if one tried to do so in a lump sum. For this reason it is a great tool which should be used to ensure that you family and loved ones are okay even after you pass away.
During the course of your life there are bound to be accidents or emergencies when you require immediate funds. In such a case you can always withdraw funds from the money that you had been paying for your insurance. What this means is that you don’t have to run to a bank for a loan and therefore don’t have to pay insurance to the bank. In essence you can simply pay interest to yourself and eventually make sure that the loan you take out is once again returned to your own insurance funds.
Furthermore in the event of your death a large sum of money would be available for your family members and other beneficiaries and this money would usually not only get a death benefit but also it can be withdrawn free of tax!

Cons of whole life insurance

One of the down sides of whole life insurance is that it can be very costly. In comparison term life insurance is relatively less expensive. This means that sometimes even people who want whole life insurance can’t get it because that means that it puts a lot of additional stress on their income. Term life insurance guarantees the people a comparatively smaller fee and while it is only rewarding if an accident happens within the insured time, it is still very beneficial. For this reason term life insurance is much more popular then whole life insurance.
The whole life insurance policies that you draw up with your agent or agency can be extremely complicated and time consuming. A lot of the times the agencies will purposely show you false returns or inaccurate returns to try and get you to work with them as well. 

Last words

There are various other plans and policies that are similar to whole life insurance. Many people like to have a variety of different insurance plans at once as well. So maybe it’s worthwhile investing in both the shorter term insurance as well as whole life insurance. It all comes down to personal preference and personal capability. If you and your family make enough monthly income to be able to take a fraction of it out and pay for whole life insurance then go for it! However if you and your family are unsure if you will be able to keep up with payments in the future then whole life insurance might not be such a good idea.